Environmental Projects
Serving clients for over 40 years throughout Wisconsin
Town of Ellington, Outagamie County
Ellington, Wisconsin
Project Description
Identify wetland resources located on the property for the potential placement of fill for driveway side slope access and slope grading adjacent to a new house site and storage shed
Total Project Area is 5.01 acres and base upon results of the Wetland Delineation, there is a 2.762 acre area and a 0.118 acre area on the site
M&E Delineation Results
M&E Staff determined that the wetlands are associated with the depressional area and the navigable stream west of the road.
According to the soils report , the project area is comprised of poorly drained Poygan silty clay loam and a moderately well-drained Kaukauna silty clay loam
The Wisconsin Wetland Inventory Classification is Scrub/Shrub, Broad-leaved deciduous and wet soils, Palustrine = S3K
The site is considered an upland site with wetland depressions found and identified meeting wetland criteria as noted within this report.