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A full range of public works projects, land development projects, and storm water projects

Street Reconstruction

Martenson & Eisele provides a full range of transportation-related public works projects, including the planning phase, engineering studies, design, estimating/budgets, permitting, construction bid services, and final construction phase.


Our engineers have extensive experience with roadway reconstruction, comprehensive road maintenance techniques for differing application, new street extensions, culverts, bridge design and transportation studies.

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Father and Daughter


Services provided for Trail Projects include:

  • Preparation of construction plans and specifications

  • Topographic survey and easement survey and easement legal descriptions

  • Floodplain and wetland delineation

  • Construction administration for trail and bridge construction 

Culverts and Bridges

  • Design, construction staking and construction administration

  • Install WDNR approved, open bottom culverts, allowing for natural streambed design and rapid installation

  • Create a safe route for pedestrians and vehicles

Bridge Construction
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Feasibility Studies/Development Risk Reduction Process

Martenson & Eisele’s Development Risk Reduction Process is based on an analysis of the Physical Characteristics and Regulatory Requirements of a site.


The Physical Characteristics of a site provide the framework for effective conceptual design, which will reflect the topography, existing and potential vegetation, and water features, if any, of the site. Understanding the Regulatory Requirements of a site will minimize surprises during the schematic design of your project and maximize your return on investment.

Physical Characteristics

  • Are there wetlands on the site (and will you need wetland delineation services?)

  • Does the site have a navigable water way and/or an associated floodplain?

  • Are soils suitable for construction? On site infiltration? Onsite waste disposal systems?

  • Is the proposed land development compatible with surrounding land uses?

  • Does the site have any topographical features that will need to be considered?

  • Is the site mapped as having the potential for shallow bedrock?

  • Does the property or an adjacent property have any known or potential environmental contamination?

  • Are there endangered or threatened species identified near the project site?

Construction workers on work site

Regulatory Requirements

  • Does the proposed land use comply with the community’s comprehensive plan and zoning district?

  • Is the property currently assessed for agricultural use? Will there be a conversion penalty?

  • Is the property currently a part of any federal, state, or local tax programs?

  • Does the project comply with all land division or subdivision ordinances?

  • Have any future public works projects been included on the Official Map that will affect the property?

  • Are there any planned street improvements on or near the project?

  • Are public sewer and water, gas, electric, telephone and cable available at the project site?

Topographic Survey

A topographic map provides three-dimensional information about a land parcel, showing the physical features of the lands surface, including elevation change and underground features (when locations are known). This topographic survey forms the basis for engineering design for surface water control, sanitary sewer, water main, parking surfaces, and concept design for residential, industrial and commercial construction and land development.

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Sewage Filtration

Sewer Treatment Plants

Martenson and Eisele, Inc. supports small communities and sanitary districts with the planning and operation of their wastewater treatment plants. We support communities with the following:

  • Facility planning studies for the construction and expansion

  • Review plans for the construction of sanitary sewer mains and extensions

  • Provide inspection services during the construction process

  • Converting flat fee-based billing to usage-based billing using on-site metering at residences and businesses

  • Prepare electronic Discharge Monitoring Reports and Compliance Monitoring Annual Reports as required by the WDNR


In today’s environment, land development is a complex process that may involve site selection and analysis, market feasibility, and regulatory issues. Through the design of concept and site plans, we identify the opportunities for, and limitations of a site to help you understand the site’s land development potential.

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Man Holding Pipe

Sanitary Lift Stations

Sewage lift stations typically collect gravity flow from sanitary sewers and pump the sewage to create hydraulic advantage. This can be a simple lift from a deep sewer to a shallow sewer or pumping through a force main to another location.

Storm Water

Martenson & Eisele’s engineers perform a site analysis for proper placement of storm water devices. Our services include flood plain analysis, water quantity and quality analysis, wetland delineation and considerations, infiltration analysis, regulatory permitting, and creative schematic design to compliment site layout.

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Commercial Constuction Administration

We provide construction administration services for various types of commercial developments. We take the Owner/Developer’s vision of the project, provide an initial schematic design and analyze the layout for regulatory compliance. Our engineers then provide an initial storm water analysis to adjust layouts and create alternatives so that their vision of the design can be achieved.

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