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Professional land surveyors serving Appleton, Green Bay, Oshkosh, the greater Fox Cities area, and the state of Wisconsin.

Boundary Survey / Property Survey

A Plat of Survey and Boundary Survey are often used interchangeably to provide information pertaining to a parcel's boundary and boundary issues, such as encroachments or easements. These types of surveys may be used for location of property lines for the purpose of constructing a fence, adding on to or constructing a new building, or other improvements on the parcel.


Creative plat designs that enhance the natural features of a property are our trademark. Our experience with regulatory issues guides projects smoothly through all approval processes. With a wide variety of surveying services accurately performed using the latest technology and equipment, the Martenson & Eisele, Inc. surveying staff is equipped to provide it all.

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FEMA Elevation Certificate / Flood Plain Survey / LOMA and LOMR

Properties located near navigable waterways or lakes are affected by flood plains. The FEMA elevation certificate specifically locates and shows the limits of the 100-year flood and its relationship to existing improvements and the remaining parcel to obtain proof for financial institutions or insurance companies that the property is out of the flood plain.


If it is believed that a parcel of land or a building are not in the 100-year floodplain, an application for a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) or Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) can be completed. A LOMA or LOMR are statements from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that serve to remove a parcel of land or structure from the floodplain.

Certified Survey Maps

Sometimes referred to as minor subdivisions, Certified Survey Maps are used to create four (4) lots or less from a single parcel that can be transferred from seller to buyer. They can be done in urban or rural settings and are used in residential, commercial or industrial applications. They can also be used for attachment of adjacent parcels into a single lot or to consolidate lots or parcels.

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American Land Title Surveys (ALTA)

Financial institutions, prior to providing funding for property and land development, generally require a Title Survey. Maps are prepared meeting prescribed requirements of the American Land Title Association’s standards for Land Title Surveys, and this survey provides Title Insurance Companies a basis on which they can insure a property and its improvements.

Subdivision Platting

Subdivisions create lots that can be transferred from seller to buyer for construction of residential, commercial or industrial buildings in rural or urban settings.

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Condominium Plat

Plat used to show the precise location and access for residential, business, commercial or industrial units spatially within a common area of a parcel of land for the purpose of transferring title of a unit from seller to a buyer.

Topographic Survey

A topographic map provides three-dimensional information about a land parcel, showing the physical features of the lands surface, including elevation change and underground features (when locations are known). This topographic survey forms the basis for engineering design for surface water control, sanitary sewer, water main, parking surfaces, and concept design for residential, industrial and commercial construction and land development.

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Residential and Commercial Construction Site Layout

Staking commercial and residential buildings on the building site provides the contractor with assurance the building has been located on the lot as designed on their approved Site Plan. Private, commercial or municipal site staking includes infrastructure such as sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer, parking lots, curb and roadways, as well as surface water controls.

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