City of Manitowoc Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan
City of Manitowoc, WI
Key Services
Municipal Planning
Project Description
The City of Manitowoc approached M&E to revise their outdated CORP to maintain eligibility for state grants.
M&E Approach
Preparation of a CORP: planning commission and staff meetings, stakeholder meetings/interviews, public informational meetings, and public hearings
Creating a “Draft Plan:” collecting existing park data; preparing tables/graphs; assembling mapping data; and reviewing and revising supporting planning elements, including over 40 park systems maps
Presenting a Final CORP: revising draft based on review comments; drafting a City Board ordinance for adoption; distributing GIS mapping files to Manitowoc County and ECWRPC; and delivering adopted “Final” CORP
Assisting the City with fundraising packet for a proposed ADA canoe launch