Planning Projects
Serving clients for over 40 years throughout Wisconsin
Winnebago County-South Property Dog Park
Town of Neenah, WI
Key Services
Conceptual Planning
Environmental Services
Project Description
Concept planning for Friends of Winnebago County Dog Park. M&E Master Plan +27.8-acre property located on Oakridge Road and Tuller Road. ​
Concept involved four Turf Areas, stormwater runoff area, two parking lots, seasonal building, crushed granite area, and along with significant environmental features, fencing areas and restroom/vending areas.
M&E Approach
Transferred the Town and Counties physical concept drawings into a digital air photo base plan
Adjusted layout of the site to balance and minimize future earth work and impervious surface features on the site.
Proposed surface water runoff and stormwater management features.
Created a concept plan for complete site development and utilization of the entire area without user conflicts.